Monday, October 26, 2009

College is Flying By...

I can honestly remember the first day of college my freshman year. I know that I was wearing a green 'Italia' tee shirt and cut off jean shorts. It was like 100 degrees and so humid. Looking back now over the past 4 years it is crazy to me that I only have 21 weeks left of my college career.

Where has the time gone? It seems that every semester goes by quicker. It is already the ninth week of this semester and I feel like we just started. Being my senior year and getting ready to graduate this May, I must say that I have bittersweet feelings. I am ready to graduate and get into the "real world," however, I am nervous about not being able to find a job. With the economy today God only knows who will land a job after graduation.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Big Companies using Social Media

Enterprises and companies are now using Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media sites to draw in more customers as well as provide information and to persuade people. This article below gives a brief idea of what I am talking about,

It is quite an interesting topic to think about.
The companies are targeting aspecific audience on the internet, they have ads, photos and videos that catch the person's eye. Some companies such as H&R Block even use FaceBook to post ads as well as advice to consumers.

Companies such as Starbucks even post online a suggestions area for customers to list things that the company could and should improve upon. It's pretty crazy to me that all of these changes are happening right now. I am excited and nervous to see how it will affect me in trying to get a job after graduation this May.

All of these online techiques have the same common goal. Draw in more customers. Some companies are better at it than others. I personally like the idea of a suggestion area where I can speak my mind and say how to make the product or service better. However, I am not a fan of surveys, unless they are short. I hate taking time to answer a long survey about something.

This website also had something to say about social media and companies,
It also has a short little audio clip.

Much of the future workplace is happening NOW. So the internet is a great way todo things in a timely manner. Technology has made our world as we know it today, much, much different.

NORG, print vs. online

It is thought that the NORG, newsgathering organization, is the next big thing in journalism. It is co-operative, fulfills the functions of a wire service aggregating coverage from small news-gathering entities.

this website is particularily interesting,

How does a NORG serve a democracy where not everyone has a computer, or access to the internet?
This seems to be a rather intriguing question. I would have to say that it is very hard to answer. Most of the older population still reads the newspaper for their information. If you really look at a newspaper now, there is a website listed to see the paper online, or for further information, which seems to be an attempt. Also, on TV they have listings to visit their website for more information or to post your comments or opinions. This is an attempt, but I don't think that it does a great job. It is difficult for NORG's to serve the public when not everyone has access to a computer. In today's day and age the younger population, almost all, have access to the internet whether it be via computer or cell phone.

I must also say that today's economy has a lot to do with this. It is expensive to buy a computer or labtop. Even though it is much, much cheaper than it used to be, people are not making as much money that they used to. Some people might not even have a job.

Younger people are more educated and know more about technology and the internet. They know what websites to go to, how to login to a computer, they know that most sites and information is free. I know personally, that I know how to access information online, whereas my grandfather doesn't even know how to turn a computer on.

This site, I found very, very interesting. It discusses print information, i.e. newspaper, compared to gathering information on the internet...

It is also much cheaper to gather and view information online,
"It turns out that printed advertising, while essential for some markets, is becoming less effective as the consumer public learns to ignore ads. It’s no wonder that companies are seeking ways to maximize exposure while minimizing costs."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Podcast Reaction

I listened to a podcast about the Philadelphia Philles. This is a podcast with speaker Rich Baxter. I love the way that he talks and goes on about the Phils. He only podcasts about the Phillies, which it awesome.

I especially liked the beginning. It was actual sound from the broadcasters and live sounds from the game. "That game" being Oct. 1st when they clinched the NL East. The sound in the beginning is what really drew me into listening, and made me want to listen more. It was the sounds of the stadium, the bats, the loud and vocal announcers from the game.

After the beginning 2 minutes, Rich was joined by his friend from South Jersey who also wanted to chime in with his thoughts on the Phillies. They talked at a good pace, good vocals, and upbeat. It was very interesting to listen to in that respect.

On the other side of the ball, no pun intended, the content was, and always is, interesting to me. Briefly talking about the Phils in 1980 in the World Series, and then again in 1983, to then winning last year and the different series last year. They then began to bring it "up-to-date." Talking about how fun the Phils are to watch, how good the players are, the different teams in the division and the competition.

Overall, I enjoyed this podcast, and rather than just listening to ten minutes, I listened to the entire thing. I love sports, especially Philly sports. A lot of the things that the guys were talking about I could relate to and picture in my head since I had seen the games and most of the plays that they were talking about. This podcast was interesting in both the technical aspect in that it was easy on the ears, and it was interesting to hear what other people think and how they feel about my team. The content of course, was interesting and very intriguing. I love listening to anything about my Phillies!

Here is the link if you would like to listen to the podcast,

Too Cold, Too soon...

I hate the shift from the warm summery months to the frigid fall months. I woke up this morning and did not want to get out of my bed. It seems that every year gets worse. It used to gradually get cooler from July to August to September, and the change of seasons was somewhat pleasant.

Not anymore! It goes from being hot, humid and 100 degrees, to cold, smug and 55. Who likes to go from bikinis to jeans and bundled up jackets, not me.

The most depressing thing I must say is when my tan seems to fade away. Don't get me wrong I love the different seasons I just wish that it was a gradual shift from warm to chilly, instead of hot to freezing.

This picture seems to capture the essence of what I am trying to say...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Phillies Phans Go Wild!!

I must say that living in Philly has never been sweeter...

The Phillies are at it again. The defending World Series Champs are well on their way again. Last night's game against the Colorado Rockies was one of the best games I have seen them play in this year's post-season so far. Their come back in the 9th inning was insane! This game 4 was incredible.

The Phils will start the NLCS this Thursday, Oct. 15, against the LA Dodgers, from LA. I'm crossing my fingers and having "Phaith." I especially hate Manny Ramirez, so I can't wait to watch him choke.

Here we go PHILS!!!!