Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kanye's diss on Taylor, my opinion

MY OPINION, with some support from the VMAs and various websites

We have got one big reason to call this year’s MTV VMAS Awards night one crazy show. The show brought many wild moments from some of our favorite and not so favorite celebrities. Celebrity wars are nothing new to us. However, for 19 year-old Taylor Swift this was something that she has never experienced on live TV before. Smiling, and very excited she started her acceptance speech for Best Female Video, and then was rudely interrupted by celeb Kanye West.

West yet again continued his history of on-stage award-show rants. The rapper stormed the stage just after the first award was presented to Taylor Swift. He cut the teen singer off, grabbing the microphone and protesting in support of Beyoncé Knowles.
This is pretty bothersome. Who nominated Kanye West as a judge? Oh, wait no one did. What did Taylor Swift do to him; nothing. Who gave him the authority to jump up on stage, grab the mic, steal her moment of glory and turn the focus on Knowles? This left Swift silent and confused on stage. The audience started to cheer and applaud her, however, she never got to finish her speech, and her moment was ruined. This angered many of the other artists, as well as most of the fans watching the VMAs Sunday evening.

“According to reports from inside the house, once cameras cut away from the action, West flipped off the crowd and returned to his seat. Wale then said to the crowd, "You can't blame a man for speaking his mind." His words were met with boos, and Wale then said, "Kanye, I tried." During the next commercial break, Pink walked by the rapper and appeared to shake her head in disgust before security escorted her away. West remained steadfast amidst the commotion as he kissed his girlfriend Amber Rose” (Rodriguez, mtvnews.com) http://www.mtvnews.com/

Many fans were also outraged by this incident as it was displayed nationally via emails, internet blogs and magazine articles. I logged onto my Facebook where I saw about 20 status feeds about how rude West was and how messed up the situation was. It was only ten minutes after it happened and there was already YouTube videos and Twitter blogs about how racist West is. I would have to agree. Just because Swift is a young, white girl he acted out. If it was Rihanna I guarantee he would not have jumped up on stage and said what he said. He was comparing Swift to Knowles simply because he is black and therefore wanted Knowles to win because she is black. Just because Swift is a country singer and plays a guitar he verbally bashed her and ruined her moment of fame. Not only did he leave Swift speechless, but he embarrassed himself and made himself look like an idiot.

Here is a link to Kanye's blog apology...

How ironic that the next day West posted an apology to Swift, her mother and her fans on his blog. He doesn’t mean it. He is saying he’s sorry because “it’s the right thing to do.” He knows that now more than ever people are going to have him under a closer watch. This took a huge toll on his image and will definitely affect his career, what’s left of it. West then updated his blog a day later and apologized for a second time. Again, he doesn’t mean it.
West also apologize for the third time on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He had his fake tears rolling down his cheeks, and an almost-convincing quiver in his voice. Then he throws on his shades, gets on stage and sings a lousy song, that if you listen to the lyrics you will see that it voided his entire ‘apology.’

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, if West didn’t think Swift should have won, which clearly he didn’t, that’s fine, but he should have kept his mouth shut.

Another website that helped me write this was from RollingStone Magz, http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/index.php/2009/09/13/kanye-west-storms-the-vmas-stage-during-taylor-swifts-speech/

In case you are unfamiliar, here is a youtube clip of what Kanye did at teh VMAS,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I posted my reactions to the Kanye West/Taylor Swift ordeal on my blog as well. Don't you think it was all a Public Relations set-up? Because conveniently, Kayne West was supposed to be a guest on the premiere episode of Jay Leno's new show the night after the VMAs. I think NBC set it up to get people to watch the show just to see Kanye's reaction. 17.8 Million viewers tuned in to the premiere episode of the Leno show and a few days later only 14 million stayed tuned in. I think a lot of that had to do with Kanye being a guest. I hope I explained this well enough, it's hard to explain. :) Do you believe it was real or staged?

  3. I don't think it was staged at all. Kanye West is known for outbursts like this. I mean, hello, do we all remember "George Bush hates black people"? He thinks he's god and can get away with anything. So, he takes that freedom and runs with it. He feels like he's speaking his mind, or even speaking for the masses. Let's face it, Kanye is arrogant, racist, and rude.
    But do I think he jumped up on stage because Taylor was white? No. I'll be honest--I agreed with what he said. I don't agree with how he said it, but I think he was right. Beyonce most defiantly had the best video of the year. Look at how embedded it is in pop culture! I've never even seen Taylor's video for whatever song it was for. I think MTV gave Taylor the award because they knew Beyonce would win Best Video of the Year. And, I think that's cheap on MTV's part.

    So, ultimately, I think Kanye was just being Kanye, and saying what maybe alot of people were thinking. He just took what you would say to your loved one in the living room to the microphone. Do I agree with him stealing Taylor's moment? No. That was in fact wrong. Do I agree with what he actually said? Yes. I believe I do.

  4. I didn't watch the VMA's but the next day I heard about what Kanye did. It was uncalled for. I think Beyonce should have won as well but let Swift have her moment. Kanye is known for his comments so this was just another nightmare for his PR people. And I don't believe his apology. He only did it because he had to.
