Wednesday, November 11, 2009

When Ordering, Speak English

According to new figures released by the Census Bureau, there are 255 million people in the United States over the age of five. Of these, 44.9 million (17.6%) do not speak English at home. This is absolutely appalling.
Granted America is said to be the “melting pot” of the world. What does this really mean? People can come here from other countries to live the “American Dream,” but not have to learn the English language?

Looking back to the 1800’s when immigrants came to America from hundreds of different countries; they were not able to speak English. They had to learn. They had to learn English in order to survive; so they did. Why is it that now, in 2009, people are coming from all over the world and they gain the same privileges as a U.S. citizen, but they are unable to communicate in daily life?

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, “If the 44.9 million U.S. residents who don't speak English at home were concentrated in the heartland, they would make up the entire population of all the states from Wisconsin to Idaho, down through Nevada to New Mexico and across to Arkansas. There are more people in the United States of America today who do not speak English at home than there are people, in Spain.”
Personally, as a U.S. citizen this is quite upsetting. My great grandparents as well as grandparents came to the United States from Italy. They did not know one lick of English, but they learned. In order to make a life for themselves and their families this is what had to be done.

There is no reason why everything today should be printed one version English, one version Spanish. There is no reason when I make a call I should have to press 1 for English or 2 for Spanish. This is America; if you don’t speak English go back to your own country.
If you are from Mexico and you speak Spanish that’s fine, do it in the comfort of your home, when you are in a public place you should be able to speak English. If you are from China and you speak Chinese in the comfort of your home, that’s great, but in public you should be able to speak English.

On the flip side, if an American were to go live in Spain, they should learn Spanish. I find it to be rude and degrading that people from other countries come here and take advantage of our Freedom of Speech. Being bilingual is great and in many places today an advantage, but in America, English should be the first and main language that is spoken.
By now, we all know the controversial story with Joey Vento and his speak English sign. Vento is the owner of Geno’s Steaks, a popular tourist attraction in South Philadelphia. Last February, Vento placed a small sign in the window that read “This is America, when ordering speak English.”
Information from “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” said, Although the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations filed a discrimination complaint against Geno’s (which the commission eventually lost), Vento said the sign was never meant to be offensive.
“This country is a melting pot, but what makes it work is the English language,” Vento told members of the commission.

How we react to this “speak English” sign says a lot about who we are and what we believe in. In other words, you should not only be permitted to speak in your native tongue, but you should do it with pride, and resist anyone or anything that tells you otherwise.

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